> Appeal a ban

ummm i think this says something ...

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i beleive so too... thats alot of bann request in a short period of time. Kottel your full of it. And the newest post made by johny to demote kottel that surly says something about kottels "sleepyness"- "Uncontrolable when i dont sleep"- "Oh its just for fun" excuses, excuses, excuses.

Really guys? like cmon, why do you guys have to be so mean about this cmon? like yeah she got banned or something just leave it alone and forget about because maybe a new player just joined and clicked this link and see you guys swearing and name calling a Staff Member or whatever, like do you know what that says to a new person? "The people dont even respect the staff... :/ I think this server isn't for me" and maybe that person could've donated and supported the server like cmon. If you have something bad to say just keep it to yourself. Is that too much to ask?

Thank you, chris. Atleast someone who acts like a grown up

Sorry i haven't slept in 23939393939393 years sorry :(

You haven't slept since 1 billion years before the universe was created? :)


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