> Announcements
October Top voters (2014)
Thanks to all for voting in October.
Time to maybe discontinue voting as a rank requirement seeing as many don't bother, and its really not that beneficial to the server getting noticed with so few voting anyway.
The following players will all get Voter+ rank for this month.
NamesVotes1st Zking1998382nd Mcderpinson343rd Heie27
Planetmc: 206
TopG.org: 227
Minestatus: 156
MinecraftServers.org: 113
MCSL: 80
Total votes: 782
October top voters 2014 is the name of this post but the first line is thanks to all who voted in September...plus, do helpers not get on this? im pretty sure sirmrman and kot did...that might have been before they were helper tho...I don't mind just wondering.
fixed and no staff don't get it, you can see full voter list for last month http://kraftzone.net/server/?page=votes
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