> Appeal a ban

i appel for kott too be banned

(1/4) > >>

i joined this server to have fun but kott has ruinned it so much she muted me and jailed my foer opening a business and she does not care about helpping others
and abuse her power
and is selfise

i agree with all of it, its all true! and btw, stop pissing off odel now in game...but I think banned is a bit much C:

How can u jail, mute, harass, etc at someone for opening a business, (a good one I have used) and accusing them of abusing creative and removing everything from their chests!!!! 

Koolio if you see this plz help this suffering stop

she is a bully! I bid on some potions earlier that I actually wanted! and then at the last second she bids! I ask her why? she has gmc!!! then she says dw u can have for free, and gives me empty bottles...... this is one of billions of examples!

and she has stopped us from having fun plz help us :'(


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