> Appeal a ban

kot is so strict.

<< < (3/3)

He read the book actually. Ice had a copy or something. Koolio found it amusing. It was some fantasy or something I never read it. And this little bullshit between you and kott has got to stop. Its fucking annoying to have you two at each others neck all the time. Work something out or ignore each other. The constant bickering is not solving anything.

And PS. Seb, stop replying/creating threads because my "recent topics" box is full of things you've replyed to.

its ok seb let it all out, have a good rant :D

anyway you disappeared on the month I was going to make you helper so I moved onto giving a few others the helper rank

don't be jealous of kotts rank you can still apply for helper rank next month


im not jelous of kot, although it might seem like it when im SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER pissed off....like I was yesterday.....


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