> Announcements

August Update 2014

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--- Quote ---It seems your quick temper has gotten the best of you once again.
--- End quote ---

Why not take the ban like a bigger man sly, instead of coming across as a jealous prick. Honestly I thought you would get the ban as joke and be gone, you seem to have taken it more personally than expected... after all if you are not apart of the community here then why would it matter if you got kicked out.

--- Quote ---You defend your less-than-logical beliefs with punishments and bans. Losing an argument is not your game.
--- End quote ---

It's not about losing arguments, there is no argument here that you have.

It's about removing shit starters who think they are entitled to talk crap without consequence. This is not unlike you to come around to drag the server down or put down others.

If you want to be disrespectful sly, you are free to do so elsewhere to audience who might enjoy that crap.

Just don't expect me to entertain your childish stupidity here on my forum, your new account is banned again of course.

For your other remarks.. I have job, feel free to join the rest of the stalkers if you must.

Also I don't plan on shutting down the server, its as much a responsibility to keep going for donators and to those who still enjoy playing on the server and 'small community' that it does have. Most of all I don't plan on shutting it down because I still like the server. It will move on when I decide not when you decide just because you think its popularity or lack of means it should close. 

--- Quote ---Whatever path in life you take, I hope you get to realize that the flaws in others aren't necessarily their flaws,
but yours. Take care babe.
--- End quote ---

I get it, its not a flaw that you have trouble respecting people who do not appreciate you calling them babe, to you that is feature of your wonderful fucking personalty.. not sure how getting banned caused you to get onto such topics.. maybe just accept why you got banned and do something about your flaw of wanting to bring others down. Because I will tell you now those are flaws and no one but a fool is going realize them as anything else.

Be the 'bigger man' or find a new account either way you will be put out with this attitude.

Wait. What the fuck happened, i though koolio made a joke about banning you sly, did he actually ban you?

No he got banned with the same fucking reason I posted here.

"did he actually ban you?"

You want to defend him?

nonono like idk what the hello happened. I thought you just made a joke "Sly banned.. yolo"
Im just so lost lol.


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