> General Discussions
So yeah It's me.
I'll just get right to it. I'm bored of minecraft. idk why im just bored of it. Also even when I actually wanna play I dont got no internet. ;_;
Soooo yeah im quitting minecraft hopefully this is temporary. maybe in a few months I'll be back. And from time to time I'll try going on forums.
If some of you wanna talk to me, or whatever. skype me. skype: creeperz_x3
Also Koolio idk if u have already but you can demote me from helper. One day imma come back. so dont be deleting dem files yo.
Madefaqu wha da hell ... Don't man.
but creeper the staff picture needs updating XD
oh yeh :| dat.. well my laptop charger dont workin. So once I gets that. maybe. If i remembers. :PPPP
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