> Announcements
July Update 2014
Hmm guess not. Lol
I do think I know what causes it, will be a 1.38 update to fix it
tchristner can you try the update....
on the launcher [Updates]>[Check Updates] and you can update from there, or use one of the below....
Install Setup:
KzSetup_1.38.exeKraftzone.net (Retired site)http://kraftzone.net/downloads/KzSetup_1.38.exe
The above will offer to install to default location of %appdata%\.minecraft and create shortcut icons in startmenu
---------or ----------
The below is do it yourself install (extract all .zip files into a new folder you created):
Portable Zip :
MinecraftLauncher_v1.38.zipKraftzone.net (Retired site)http://kraftzone.net/downloads/MinecraftLauncher_v1.38.zip
Run "Minecraft Launcher.exe" (this file can be renamed, it will still work)
Once installed goto [Settings]>[Minecraft Releases] to get minecraft releases.
--- Quote -------v1.38---- 8/8/2014 ----
- Bug fixes: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" prevented
- Color cell shading & "Source" on the (List of mods) tab removed, not needed.
--- End quote ---
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