> General Discussions
Having trouble.
Here are a few shots of what I have so far. I have downloaded all the updates which add a zip file to folder, I have also put my authentication in (with correct Password). I doesn't not allow me to select the java portable. Sorry to be such a hassle, just trying to get thing set up and working before I go back to work next week and wont have as much time. But at least I will be able to help others with the same problems in the future. Thanks for all the help.
you are using 0.99 .. just use the latest one a lot of bugs have been fixed.
(click the download link in the button, not the button :))
Install Setup:
KzSetup_1.36.exeKraftzone.net (Retired site)http://kraftzone.net/downloads/KzSetup_1.36.exe
The above will offer to install to default location of %appdata%\.minecraft and create shortcut icons in startmenu
---------or ----------
The below is do it yourself install (extract all .zip files into a new folder you created):
Portable Zip :
MinecraftLauncher_v1.36.zipKraftzone.net (Retired site)http://kraftzone.net/downloads/MinecraftLauncher_v1.36.zip
Main thread: http://kraftzone.net/mclauncher
Okay I re-installed everything and tried to launch and I cot a message saying : the underlying connection was closed. could not establish trust relationship for the ssl/ tls.
take a screen of when you get that message.. what were u doing before it happened?
can't help much otherwise
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