> General Discussions
Its My Time To Move On..
Soon as ytsen builds a Museum to house old lost kraftzone players... I'll be sticking in NPC's to represent them, it will be like lost players never left.. always on the server, forever ;D
nice idea koolio that would be great so players will stay with us forever
Seems like a great idea, I don't know if I should or not, but i might set a date where as i go on the server for a week, yearly or monthly, I'll sort out my timetable thingy lol. Just asking but, are you sealing them? or are they gonna just be like on slabs? cause people could, do stuff if you know where I'm heading.
Great Koolio now im crying i mean upset because that...that will be a place i visit everyday to pay my respects.
And im sorry your leaving shawn bc me and you fought at times but we had our good times too.
And it will be like losing myslf bc my real name is Shawn.
Lol Pepsi Very true i rember when Killfav was being a douche to me and you entered the server either high or pretending to be that really cheered me up
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