> General Discussions

Sebb , You should give me some credits. :)


Theodor Andrei:
I saw this photo by accident then i noticed its the same dragon I built in Endorvale! Menumorut , Woombo , Crafters , Even ice knows it... Well.. i think you just copied wit by WE with the help of another ppl
I dont want you to delete it... i just want some credits

Well if it was copied with worldedit, it wasn't done by me.

Theodor Andrei:
thanks for this information , koolio... and btw... i know that noone can coly stuff without builder's permision isn't , kooglio?

Or you could give this guy the credits >.>


Builders permission?

not really, anyone can copy whatever they like if they are building it block by block again. Ain't nobody got time to go asking for permission, if you have something that someone else copied let them know and anyone else but I'd take it as compliment and just ask them to give you credit if it was  your idea, clearly from the video it wasn't your building :D ...so you must just be asking for credit for the idea of building a dragon statue in your town :D

And of course if you are copying someones else's stuff give them credit but that should go without saying.


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