> Announcements

June Top voters (2014)


Thanks to all for voting in May

The following players will all get Voter+ rank for this month.

Planetmc: 308
TopG.org: 288
Minestatus: 263
MinecraftServers.org: 116
MCSL: 81

Total votes: 1056 

Good to see some top voters for the month, though overall total votes continues to drop each month down from 2800+ early this year.

So with that I do plan on giving out extra perks to Top Voters, 1st place will have custom nickname for the month, and extra perms will be added to the rank.

Remember that voting increases your /total vote points, think of it as another soft currency, these points will have more uses in the future to gain extra perms.

Rank changes will be coming for August.

Rank changes.
Pepsi is now co admin

« Last Edit: Today at 06:22:47 am by Bob »

I decided this month im going to vote my ass off,
but when i saw the custom name thing for 1.st, my head ís going to explode too. WHY CANT IT BE 12.29 PM SO I CAN VOTE FOR GOD SAKE

You should make it a perk that donaters don't get so that donaters will vote aswell......like me...


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