> General Discussions
Message to All Old Friends on KZ! Please read!
Hello KZ, most of you might remember me. Yes i was that one terror on KZ but was also a big help. I just wanted to say, that i have missed the times in KZ and that i miss all my good friends. As most of you know, i used my school laptop to play KZ but i had to turn it back in at end of the school year. I currently bought a new xbox instead of a PC and will mot be able to see you all sooner than i thought. But i just wanted to say Hello to all my friends such as: Kooglio, procrasticody, legolover123, XxJohn, Hadi, Komaquet, RedArrow, HarryHooshi, Eli_chase_328, Johnny, Zuluzombies, griffin, Apex sniper, IceAOS, seaofpain and anyone else i didnt say, but most of all is Ryanmt99, one of the best mayors of WitchHaven which i am still loyal to even if they have 2 members! I hope WH is doing great and i hope your doing good Ryanmt99 and everyone else! I hope to see you all soon! But if not... Then goodbye KZ and KZ Members! I will miss all the good times we had! But i do have a feeling i will see you all soon! And as for Extacyy! Welcome back to KZ, i saw ur re-app for wiki team, i hope you get the position. I tried my best to keep WitchHaven safe, protected and looking good, but when u left... All hell broke loose. I hope WH gets back on its feet, and becomes bigger than it was before! See yah Kooglio, i hope to see you soon friend. And i hope the server is doing much better than it was before! Goodbye Everyone!
So ur not coming back, why the f didnt u buy a pc?
well xbox is cheaper to get sooner than saving up for a decent pc, plus I think he gets a pc laptop from school when it starts in a few months.
anyway thanks for keeping in touch dark server is going ok
Ill be on soon, i promise
What's up picaso?
Do ya know when you will be getting your laptop/access to a laptop again?
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