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Kraftzone advertising animation

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No matter how hard creeper says it to be. I'm going to be making a kraftzone animation. Like the infamous slamacow. Based on creepers estimations and math skillz just a few minutes should take hours. And I don't plan on a friggin half hour episode. (Though that would be cool). Besides I have 11 weeks to do whatever and since my building skills arnt that great -cough koolio- figure this is an objective.

Might add an image hard copy on the basic layout. Like a drawing or blender sketch. Anyway, koolio before I have any 'brilliant' ideas I think you should add some suggestion.

I was thinking no dialouge maybe like slow calm music, then speeds up to players pvping, slows to koolio/staffs flying and building. No idea really just a thought.

Expect it to be big. And I need your help creeper so be on Skype. And anyone else who is good with animating is free to participate.

Ok some advice I have if u want to make it easy and simple use this program:


Its easy and simple. But in the end doesnt look so good >.>
I dont really recommend it... but eh!


Heres another one that most people know. Blender. I never used it before but its free so its ok.
But I also hear its really complicated for rigs and that stuff so gonna take longer, but results are gonna be better :D



And  last but not least Cinema 4D! Basically all of the above Simple and awesome. results are awesome. and very simple to use. But ofc when rendering it, u need a beefy computer or else It will take hours just to render it.

Ik its kinda pricy but u could always get an ilegal version :/



Thats is if you want animations like Slamacow.

Thats all the advice I can give you on which program to use...
For Ideas I dont have any :/

maybe like people krafting stuff u can only kraft in KraftZone. idk lol. :P

Good Luck with the project! :D

Steve rigs i can use for the animation. Dont say use the easyer one because you want me to have an easy time, its all about what YOU like better.

Theres this one thats fairly difficult to use but the style of the steve is pretty cool

Or theres this one thats easyer to use but the style isnt that great

Does the top one have a mouth?

Pretty much a basic of what it will look like, however, koolios model, him having a "big mouth" its hard to make it fit with the current rig im using. So koolio if you have any alternatives or suggestion for me to do with yours...



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