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Pepsi's... application
Ok well koolio this is more or less directed to you rather than the kraftzone community because I'm one of you right hand men. So in this application I'm applying for support. Yea I know we have crafter's but at times when crafter's is asleep or hanging out with his... drop dead gorgeous girlfriend.. Ahem sorry about that. Anyway around 9:30 10:00 ish est time. There was a spammer using a spambot and couldn't be kicked because it was a varyed message. However I banned him once he came back like twice. Having friends and i dk what else. And the only thing I could do as the only online staff was tempban him. I couldn't IP ban him or permaban him and its was a mess because /ban nor /eban works and I had to go through every ban command I knew of until I came up with one that did work. Now that isn't the only reason im applying. There's constant need for WE and I know I'm not the best but I can learn. Me being the longest staff other than hadi i think I should maybe be the first. If you don't see me being a support maybe you can bump my staff perms up a bit other than the default staff perms. So idk i think I'm ready I hope you decide so too.
The longest Staff** yes longest but not really active that is... When we need Staff online I would be always there but how about ice, hadi and yourself that don't even come on. I don't know if it's too difficult to log on every day and idk stay awhile even tho there is not much to do sometimes.
Be more active pep.. I know you can do this.
Where are you when we need you
Yea I get that. And ironicly I can't really be on this week because my dads got a one week vacation and I'm hanging with him. Summers just started and ive been able to get on from 10am to about 4 pm. So my schedule is down below here
Weekdays 9/10am - 4pm
Weekends not at all
And maybe its not me that should be promoted but maybe a different staff. Like yourself. Or hadi. Heck Naruto even. We just need a change in the rank system.
its time for a change i thing in the way how perms are divided between Staff and Support. Maybe Staff won't have full Support perms but some will have similarities. I'm tired of waiting of crafters to come on and sometimes he joins but we ask him for help he suddently AFK. Who joins and be AFK, except Koolio. Beside of the fact of waiting but I think Staff should beable to certain cmds like basic WE I don't know how that will work out but if we knew about WE more well when other new Staff joins the community we could open up a learning center lol just for WE.
About WE, ofc we're probably noobies at WE but I think we all know this cmd //wand.
Maybe between Staff and Support we should put in a new rank for Staff with a different custom color to show the difference. Staff+ or something like that in gold.
I certainely think that we don't need to change the whole system but perms that can be useful when a support or admin isn't online it'll be cool.
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