> General Discussions
Something Smells "Fishheh"
Alright koolio i have been try to get my minecraft working again i miss playing this isnt a brg for anything back just wanted to let you know i am trying to get back on anf i wondered if you maybe be able to help me with some ptoblems
What exactly are the problems you're facing?
I tried logging back on for the first time in a while a few days ago; are you playing on 1.7.4? You can view this in the top left corner when minecraft is open.
The server is 1.7.2/1.7.4 and no reported problems of connection issues lately.. so what is the problem?
Has nothing to do with the server what so ever but when i launch my minecraft it bugs out and says my video cards are out of date which makes no sense ive updated them as high as they can and every other game works
what mc version?
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