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Whoa, Hadi. Stealing my image much? You will be hearing from my lawyer for plagarism and theft of ideas. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.

You will be held under observation and be held under paid leave from your assistant duties.

Woah sir, uve just blown my mind, Ummm im sure i can find a sane enough attorney :D

Some seem to think there playing a game of minecraft, cant imagine why.....

Im thinkin bluedude has a point
That could be our first form of business, itd fail terribly(i mean utterly utterly[place would explode] kind of terrible)

IM Hadis Attoenry And IM Suing You For Pretending To BE A Policce Offcier for 6 millions dollars

No really. Remove my picture from your post. That is plagiarism. and I can sue you for it. I do not take kindly to people taking my work.


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