> Questions & Help

Why did i get temp banned?


I left the server due to internet connections on Saturday, now it's Wednesday and as I found out on Tuesday I am temporarily banned. It was ok when

I left the server, there was no message saying I have been banned.

I am sure there was a reason for my ban (that I can not currently think of) and I don't mind, all I would like to know is who banned me and why!

Soz for putting this on help and questions, I didn't know the ban appeal thing existed, I don't really use the forum much sorry

errrm iceaos you have some explaining todo on this one....

2114310   2014-04-21 13:59:57   iceAOS   Command   world_the_end   100.4,53.1,-45.1   /tempban .Sebbacus 3d

Am so Sorry Sebbecus for tempbanning you
I thouth the . has an affect on the tempban

--- Quote from: Koolio on April 23, 2014, 06:57:56 pm ---errrm iceaos you have some explaining todo on this one....

2114310   2014-04-21 13:59:57   iceAOS   Command   world_the_end   100.4,53.1,-45.1   /tempban .Sebbacus 3d

--- End quote ---

But for my explanation i cant remember clearly on why I tempbanned you
I don't know if am correct but MAYBE kottelainen or Krazybot78 asked me to tempban for what ever reason and I thouth the . has an affect on your tempban
so i thoute i should do it in a joking-way. Again I am so sorry that i Tempbanned you

But by now you should be unbanned now
(Kooglio if you are reading this its better that you take away my tempban perms)

And yes I do know that i shoudent listen to a player. but ask question on grefting, stealing, spawnkilling etc

Perhaps you meant to do ./tempban Sebbacus 3d   ....which would have just been sent as chat and not a command.

Be more careful in the future.

topic closed


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