> General Discussions

'The Hell is that?

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wow, i Think its what Chris said...

sounds like that, I'll have to look at the vote database to see where the vote came from.

..they probably voted at a site that is not shown to be logged  ie not in the 4 voting sites we use.

or it was one of the sites we use but that site changed its name(I am pretty sure that is what has happened here), so its no longer shown in the Last voted at section. But there total votes are still accurate because there was a vote made under that username.

Which is really just  minor bug that ain't even worth the time to fix as if they voted again it would work as normal.

Speaking of votes I fking hate Mojang this uuid crap, its going to make everything a mess and I have no idea how I will still run the cracked server or allow for cracked players to have votes as it won't be logged by username anymore :S

what a mess it will be.

his 1 vote came from Minecraft-Server-List.com...

but the fromsite "Minecraft-Server-List.com"  is now known as "MCSL"

Votes made from that site don't show up anywhere in the total command, and if they did I probably would have only done the Last voted at thing ...using the MCSL name and not the old name which isn't used anymore.


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