> Appeal a ban
I don't get it. I have been banned. Some jack**s banned me for no reason. Now what? I leave all my stuff? Seriously? I thought better of Kraftzone. I guess hardly anyone lives up to their first impressions now-a-days... D:<
You probably know why you are banned, but you want the story from the person who banned you, so you can change it to your favor. I can tell you that you did some great things, because hardly anyone manages to get banned. You done fuuuucked uup
WTF? I seriously don't know why. Is there something fucking wrong with that?
you are unbanned... though how you got banned I don't know.. you tell me so it can be fixed if it was a mistake.
IDK someone banned me (at first I thought Extacyy but found out it wasn't her). I still don't know who did it or why but thanks.
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