Faction server, kraftzone idea.
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Author Topic: Faction server, kraftzone idea.  (Read 15183 times)


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Re: Faction server, kraftzone idea.
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2014, 06:34:10 pm »
- Existing Staff and helpers will have same ranks to start off with, though in keeping with not wanting to split playerbase up, it might later come down to which server they really want to dedicate there free time to help on then they only keep rank on that server, as I can't have same staff on multiple servers as it doesn't give a chance to other new players to work there way upto new positions on the server and they won't be able to do an effective job being good staff for players. Obviously this will mean I might be looking for new helper/staff to give a chance to with this server to keep it active, helpful and welcoming for newer players.

I think that sounds like a pretty good idea. As most people holding the aforementioned ranks are playing around on KW I think we should have a way to contact them until the above quote is placed in affect since we do get issues on KZ and few are on that can actually deal with the problems at hand... I mean we could possibly hop over to another server but that seems like extra work :-P.

Are Support ranks included in the above quote as 'Staff'? Or will they share their ranks on both servers; will it depend on the outcome of which server they actually want? For example if all Supports were to say they wanted to stick to KW would they be kept as both so we have access to Support players on KZ?

I noticed that a pop up for a staff forum came up in chat mentioning KW vs KZ so once everyone decides will there be a public announcement letting everyone know (who isn't Staff+) the outcome?
« Last Edit: February 14, 2014, 08:07:09 pm by Lily »