Hi, I do hope you remember me.
Well, I have not been able to play for a VERY long time (three months, maybe four or maybe five?) because of school, internet issues, and family issues, but I think I can come back now, however, when I went on the server, I stared at the screen for about 5 minutes trying to understand why my town Eindoak was no more.
Now I'm almost 100% sure it was not because of the bank, because it had over 50k last time I looked at it, which was about 3 days before I stopped playing. The only other resident is (or was, I should say..) timo4d4d, but I know he wouldn't do anything, because he doesn't have a town either.
I don't know if it was some server problem or mistake or something, but if it was, go easy because like I said, I haven't played in a long time.
So if I could know the reason, it would be great, but if I need to, I will buy the town blocks I need.. (around 300...)
Thank you for your time.