Creeper's Helper Application
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Author Topic: Creeper's Helper Application  (Read 5610 times)


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Creeper's Helper Application
« on: December 02, 2013, 06:57:05 pm »
Your In Game name : CreeperZx3

Your Age : 13

Position You Desire : Helper

Total Playtime : 10 Days 9 Hours

Total Votes : 174

Date Registered : 2013-10-10

Express Desire To Help : I want to help new players, and old players on kraftzone, those who need assistance. I also find a lot of glitches, i want to help others, avoid them. I also want to help stop, people who do bad things, such as caps lock, spam, grief. Even if i don’t get Helper, i will still be one.

Express the Knowledge and Skills that would make you beneficial to KraftZone : I know portuguese, so if any brasilians come on the server, and talk in portuguese i can help them. Also I know most commands on the server.

The things you have done to Improve KraftZone as a player : I have found glitches, who could’ve ruined players, fun. Which isn’t nice.

I will say this again, If i don’t get the position it’s OK. I will always be a Helper, in my own way. ;)


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Re: Creeper's Helper Application
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2013, 07:38:36 pm »