> General Discussions
Portable Minecraft v1.40
Ok a more complete release should work better for everyone now and I've created an proper installer for it. It will default install directory to %appdata%\.minecraft
which pretty useful, as you can following mod installations from other guides as if you were using the real minecraft launcher which also default to installing at %appdata%\.minecraft
Will do a new thread for the kz launcher when the mod pack part of it is complete.
For now if you want consider this one final for the minecraft releases feature. You can still download the java portable and 1.7.2 custom modpack in the [Updates] tab.
Once installed goto [Settings]>[Minecraft Releases] to get minecraft releases.
Fill in username, select options, save new profile, then launch.
A video tutorial going through how to use it will be done later. It should not be not that hard though.
--- Quote -------v1.30---- 30/5/2014 ----
-Check updates now gets latest launcher version information,
downloads and prompts to updats the launcher after app close.
-"Minecraft Launcher.exe" can be renamed and will still work including
- Uninstalling a minecraft version will prompt to remove the gamedata
folder aswel. (assets(sounds,textures, library files, will not be removed as
they are used by multiple minecraft versions. You can still manually delete
files/folders, and it will redownload the files required when you install
a new minecraft version.
- Error handling for canceled downloads and incomplete files will be removed.
- Extra debuging code added, [Settings]>Debug (enabled/ticked), will show
more error information if there is any.
----v1.25---- 22/5/2014 ----
And more internal fixes
-By far the hugest update, launcher can now check minecrafts json files for
missing files that are required to launch and offer download option.
-[Settings]>[Minecraft Releases] You can now download all minecraft releases
including latest snapshots.
--- End quote ---
Install Setup:
The above will offer to install to default location of %appdata%\.minecraft and create shortcut icons in startmenu
---------or ----------
The below is do it yourself install (extract all .zip files into a new folder you created):
Portable Zip :
Run "Minecraft Launcher.exe" (this file can be renamed, it will still work)
Disclaimer: While its fully tested to work on my end, I can't fully test every computer scenerio or possible bug, so if anything goes wrong let me know and I'll try to help fix it. Also this launcher only connects to Mojang for mc releases and resource files, and Kraftzone.net for modpack, javaportable and launcher updates (and that's only if you hit the update button to check)
i cant open the new launcher help me plz :D thanks
hmm no idea... why not provide more info like what OS version?
otherwise cannot help you.
your launcher is making me mad. I cant install any litemod mods, no voxel cam, no da flight, I literally cant do anything, i even tried the .minecraft approach and still nothing, not not even the WE CUI works, but on the tab when you start up mc it says 'Mod WE CUI ACTIVE'
Koolio i need help :3
So I had a look at installing forge specifically the windows .exe launcher (http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.7.2- with my launcher while its in the default .minecraft folder....
Looks like there was 2 problems, one it won't let you install anything without "launcher_profiles.json" file, which the official launcher creates to store profile data in.
my launcher uses its own profile storage, so I'll just add a dummy file that fools the forge installer for now.
The other issue is after forge is installed, my launcher sets the gamedir folder to that of the minecraft version, by default minecraft will create that folder if it doesn't exist, but with forge it checks the gamedir to find any mods, but because it loads before minecraft does, the folder doesn't exist so it crashes.
So those things are fixed, I imagine the litemod installer has similar problems to that of forge, so I'll check that next.
In future though, you should goto [Settings] and make sure the [Debug] checkbox is ticked.. then try launching any versions, it will generate any errors during launch or while playing, I left it optional as some errors aren't really errors, just notices and they can be annoying. So if u have issues getting something to work do that in future and then copy any error you get.
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