> General Discussions

Portable Minecraft v1.40

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--- Quote from: Koolio on November 11, 2013, 04:54:54 pm ---what iceaos said

also my launcher isn't really made for installing new mods especially base line mods like forge, for that you need your own premium account and to use the original minecraft launcher.

Also forge does come in my launcher its working in "1.6.4-patched", "litelader-1.6.2" as its required to load most of the mods in the mod folder.

--- End quote ---

I am nostalgic for the old launcher, and the simple command "set APPDATA =% CD% \ data" for a portable version :/
Thanks for your work, Helping many friends :)

yeh I miss the old setup aswel

Theodor Andrei:
Help!!My KZ Launcher works only for 1.6.2 (Liteloader , mcpatched) And when i try to extract 1.6.4 , The progress bar is empty and it sais i downloaded it....and it doesnt work only the normal 1.6.4..... Please Help!

Use 1.6.4 Patched. When u join the server, use Direct Connect, don't add a server.

Theodor Andrei:
But i want to use liteloader , with shaders , mob decapitating mod and smart moving :(


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