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Portable Minecraft v1.40

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Well I should ask have you tried running the mcversion "1.8-ShadersMod2.4.11"? and does it work?

if it works, then you will have a shaderspack button inside the options and you can click and it will open the folder you need to add your custom shader packs into.

And you would copy the file/folder "B-v2.3.20-Koolio"  (the shadermod will read .zip files and folders (this is incase you want to edit the shader files and reload them ingame after changing them without having to pack them into a .zip file)) ... to the folder <mcversion>/shaderpacks/


--- Quote ---I only know, that i have to copy the ShadersMod-v2.4.11mc1.8.jar to the folder:
"1.8-LiteLoader\mods\1.8" Or is that a bad idea?
--- End quote ---

This is not something you need to do, it is the alternative method that only works in certain situations, ie you already have a 'tweakmod' installed, such as Forge, which will then load the extracted shadersmod from the /mods/ folder.

If you open "<launchfolder>/versions/1.8-ShadersMod2.4.11/1.8-ShadersMod2.4.11.json"  you should see some lines in green that look very similar to this:

--- Quote ---{
   "id": "1.8-LiteLoader",
   "time": "2014-05-14T18:29:23+01:00",
   "releaseTime": "2014-05-14T18:29:23+01:00",
   "type": "release",
   "minecraftArguments": "--username ${auth_player_name} --version ${version_name} --gameDir ${game_directory} --assetsDir ${assets_root} --assetIndex ${assets_index_name} --uuid ${auth_uuid} --accessToken ${auth_access_token} --userProperties ${user_properties} --userType ${user_type} --tweakClass com.mumfrey.liteloader.launch.LiteLoaderTweaker --tweakClass shadersmod.launch.SMCTweaker",
   "libraries": [
      "name": "shadersmodcore:ShadersModCore:2.4.11mc1.8"
         "name": "com.mumfrey:liteloader:1.8",
         "url": "http://dl.liteloader.com/versions/"
--- End quote ---

You will need to copy those lines in green, into your own custom mcversion .json file (notepad++ has a file comparison tool which is handy to check the differences on 2 mcversion .json files, so you can see what is different and make changes accordingly).. ofc as your custom mcversion is 1.8, things might work already and it should load the shadermod.. if not, well keep reading I make a note about that later.

That mcversion 1.8-ShadersMod2.4.11 is going to be loading the shadersmod where it is installed in the library folders (key thing to note it has to be installed using the shadersmod installer as it extracts the required files to the proper library folders.) And is why I brought up the tip on using the installer method.

tweakClass is something that the minecraft launcher loads up before it starts loading up pretty much everything else, so modloader/api's like forge and liteloader, have been designed to read mods in the /mods/ folder to try make it easier for mod users to just put the modfiles that are made fom forge (usually .zip files) and liteloader mods (usually .litemod (but are also .zip files if you open them)) .. mods like optifine aren't usually forge mod compatible(ie the file for optifine can just be put in the /mods/ folder), and so are also installed as tweakclass mod even though it doesn't read the /mods/ folder.

--- Quote ---And now i have some questions:
Q1: What do i have to do with this files created in step 4?
--- End quote ---

Well you can delete it after you have gotten the information from the .json file... that is the most important part. This is the part of minecraft modding that isn't so great most mod users, but when you understand how it works its not so bad.

You can try selecting a custom 1.8 version here aswel, the installer should just add the relavent lines to the library files it installs and any tweakclass, it is ofc always better to install to a base version that has no custom changes and make sure that works and runs first.

important thing to note about using mod installer this way, when it is asking for the base version, make sure that is a vanilla base minecraft version.. ie you haven't edited the .json file or used a custom one. When you install "1.8" from the [Minecraft Releases] tab, it would create a "1.8" folder aswel.

I know in your case I think you had renamed your own custom mcversion to be "1.8" and that .json file probably has some differences from the real minecraft 1.8 version (such as optifine as a tweakclass) and those differences effect another mod installer after it adds its own changes to that custom .json file... and if you don't remember this, you might find out things don't work if those changes are not compatible. optifine and shadersmod have been known not to work with eachother in the past, among other mod conflicts. So always keep the base minecraft versions clean, and just make your own copies with different names to avoid confusion.

btw there is a bug with installing 1.8.3 from the [Minecraft Releases] you might need install it, try launch, it will attempt to download extra library files but fail to launch, uninstall 1.8.3 from the [Minecraft Releases] and download it again.. should work after that.

hey thank you very much, Koolio!!

--- Quote from: Koolio on March 16, 2015, 03:20:04 pm --- your custom shader packs into.

--- End quote ---
i read YOUR shader packs. My shader packs? I have no shader packs. Isn´t it correct that the shaderpack is in this file: ShadersMod-v2.4.11mc1.8.jar ?

--- Quote from: Koolio on March 16, 2015, 03:20:04 pm ---it will open the folder you need to add your custom shader packs into.

--- End quote ---
and which folder will be opened? Is the folder not created after the drag&drop-process endet? Do i have to start minecraft?

--- Quote from: Koolio on March 16, 2015, 03:20:04 pm ---This is not something you need to do, it is the alternative method that only works in certain situations, ie you already have a 'tweakmod' installed, such as Forge, which will then load the extracted shadersmod from the /mods/ folder.

If you open "<launchfolder>/versions/1.8-ShadersMod2.4.11/1.8-ShadersMod2.4.11.json"  you should see some lines in green that look very similar to this:

--- Quote ---{
   "id": "1.8-LiteLoader",
   "time": "2014-05-14T18:29:23+01:00",
   "releaseTime": "2014-05-14T18:29:23+01:00",
   "type": "release",
   "minecraftArguments": "--username ${auth_player_name} --version ${version_name} --gameDir ${game_directory} --assetsDir ${assets_root} --assetIndex ${assets_index_name} --uuid ${auth_uuid} --accessToken ${auth_access_token} --userProperties ${user_properties} --userType ${user_type} --tweakClass com.mumfrey.liteloader.launch.LiteLoaderTweaker --tweakClass shadersmod.launch.SMCTweaker",
   "libraries": [
      "name": "shadersmodcore:ShadersModCore:2.4.11mc1.8"
         "name": "com.mumfrey:liteloader:1.8",
         "url": "http://dl.liteloader.com/versions/"
--- End quote ---

You will need to copy those lines in green, into your own custom mcversion .json file

--- End quote ---
even if i have installed Forge or Liteloader? What i am trying to do is using your 1.8-Liteloaderversion and update it to the newest shadermodversion: ShadersMod-v2.4.11mc1.8.jar

Because if i know how that works i can easily make a Optifine+Shadermodversion out of your(shadermodupdated) 1.8-LiteLoader-Version:

--- Quote from: o0Julia0o on February 11, 2015, 12:53:46 am ---1. downlaod in MinecraftLauncher>1.8-Liteloader
2. delete the KZMinecraftLauncher\versions\1.8-folder
3. rename "KZMinecraft\versions\1.8-Liteloader" to "KZMinecraft\versions\1.8"
4. rename "KZMinecraft\versions\1.8\1.8.1-natives" to "KZMinecraft\versions\1.8\1.8-natives"
5. copy a clean original 1.8.jar into KZMinecraft\versions\1.8
6. rename "KZMinecraft\versions\1.8\1.8-LiteLoader.json" to "KZMinecraft\versions\1.8\1.8.json"

--- End quote ---
..so i will in the end have a 1.8+Liteloader+Optifine+actualShadersmod but without TMI, etc.

--- Quote from: Koolio on March 16, 2015, 03:20:04 pm ---You can try selecting a custom 1.8 version here aswel, the installer should just add the relavent lines to the library files it installs and any tweakclass, it is ofc always better to install to a base version that has no custom changes and make sure that works and runs first.

--- End quote ---
So first step is to copy the KZMinecraft\libraries-folder to %appdata%\.Minecraft-folder (before deleting the original). And then making the drag & drop-process.
I have found out, that in  %appdata%\.minecraft\libaries there is a folder called "shadersmodcore". In your KZMinecraft\libaries\-folder, there isn´t such an folder. But shadermod is installed and working as you know. That is a thing i don´t understand.

--- Quote from: Koolio on March 16, 2015, 03:20:04 pm ---important thing to note about using mod installer this way, when it is asking for the base version, make sure that is a vanilla base minecraft version.. ie you haven't edited the .json file or used a custom one.

--- End quote ---
hmm, but i need lite-loader for one version. And i don´t know how to make it. So the drag&drop-thing isn´t possible for me. Isn´t there any other way to update the shaders mod?

--- Quote from: Koolio on March 16, 2015, 03:20:04 pm ---btw there is a bug with installing 1.8.3 from the [Minecraft Releases] you might need install it, try launch, it will attempt to download extra library files but fail to launch, uninstall 1.8.3 from the [Minecraft Releases] and download it again.. should work after that.

--- End quote ---
thank you. But i will need liteloader & there is no version 1.8.3-Liteloader. I´am dayly pressing the "Check for Updates"-Buttom in the Modpacks-section. But never getting any update in the list. I even never have seen a 1.8.3(clean)-version in the launcher. Or can i copy it from my original-minecraft in .minecraft-folder? Will you make an step by step list, how to use an newer mc-version with your launcher? This would be very useful.

--- Quote from: Koolio on March 16, 2015, 03:20:04 pm ---So always keep the base minecraft versions clean, and just make your own copies with different names to avoid confusion.

--- End quote ---
but that´s a problem, because i don´t know how to install lite-loader & liteloader is needed to use f.e. shader. They are sooo nice and lovely - i never had seen them before. They are not working with my ressourcepack only with faithfull. But for that shaders i will resign of my ressourcepack. I will make 2 versions - one with ressourcepack & one with shader. So i can switch.

But i am using the 1.8(so clean jar). So TMI, etc. (all non TWEAK-Mods are eleminated). And only the json-file is "infected" by other mods. By the way - can i update Optifine by only copying the newest jar-file to: \libraries\optifine\OptiFine\1.x.x_HD_U_xx\OptiFine-1.x.x_HD_U_xx.jar + editing the same name into the json-file?

--- Code: ---{
  "name": "optifine:OptiFine:1.x.x_HD_U_xx"

--- End code ---


--- Quote ---Isn´t it correct that the shaderpack is in this file: ShadersMod-v2.4.11mc1.8.jar ?
--- End quote ---

nope that is just the shadermod, it comes with no shaders to use, you have to download those separately..see here http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1286604-shaders-mod-updated-by-karyonix
   ...on that first post is a list of other shaderpacks you can get.

--- Quote ---Is the folder not created after the drag&drop-process endet? Do i have to start minecraft?
--- End quote ---

yes you need to start minecraft with the shadermod installed for that mcversion, then it will create that shaderpack dir for you.

--- Quote ---even if i have installed Forge or Liteloader? What i am trying to do is using your 1.8-Liteloaderversion and update it to the newest shadermodversion: ShadersMod-v2.4.11mc1.8.jar
--- End quote ---


--- Quote ---So first step is to copy the KZMinecraft\libraries-folder to %appdata%\.Minecraft-folder (before deleting the original). And then making the drag & drop-process.
I have found out, that in  %appdata%\.minecraft\libaries there is a folder called "shadersmodcore". In your KZMinecraft\libaries\-folder, there isn´t such an folder. But shadermod is installed and working as you know. That is a thing i don´t understand.
--- End quote ---

probably something to do with the shadermod installer just look at the default  %appdata%\.minecraft\versions folder when installing its own version and then just extracting its library files to the  %appdata%\.minecraft\library folder .... ofc I dunno for sure why.

Generally its why i have the kz setup.exe install to the default %appdata%\.minecraft\ location.. because it makes using other mod installers more likely to work. Blame the modders for not making there installers ask for the location of your minecraft directory.

--- Quote ---thank you. But i will need liteloader & there is no version 1.8.3-Liteloader
--- End quote ---

yeh there hardly any mods for 1.8.3 its because forge isn't out for that version, and forge isn't out, because there is no MCP (Minecraft Coders Pack) for 1.8.3...   blame mojang for that aswel, as the main guy behind it was hired by mojang, so now modders have to wait weeks until after mojang put are crappy update before they can update there own mods. Liteloader has similar issue... the only mods you will likely see for 1.8.3 are ones like TMI as guy behind doesn't really need MCP but its also why it is still a minecraft.jar mod until he can update TMI to a forge mod.

Probably a few weeks before 1.8.3 has any of the core mods, when it does I'll make another modpack maybe 2 versions one with TMI and another without, I'd like to make the launcher a bit better at giving users a way to enable/disable mods via the launcher, without needing to mess with the files or editing .json themselves, but its a bit messy to do really.

--- Quote ---liteloader is needed to use f.e. shader
--- End quote ---

what? f.e shader?? you can install liteloader for 1.8 yourself here... http://jenkins.liteloader.com/job/LiteLoaderInstaller/

grab the .jar version then just dragdrop it onto the launcher to run it

--- Quote ---By the way - can i update Optifine by only copying the newest jar-file to: \libraries\optifine\OptiFine\1.x.x_HD_U_xx\OptiFine-1.x.x_HD_U_xx.jar + editing the same name into the json-file?
--- End quote ---


is the latest version for 1.8...  http://optifined.net/download.php?f=OptiFine_1.8.0_HD_U_D1.jar

when you download it is also an installer .jar that you can dragdrop onto the launcher.

--- Quote ---how to use an newer mc-version with your launcher
--- End quote ---

like i said before you can get 1.8.3 in the launcher by going to [Settings]>[Minecraft Releases] >[Update List?]  > then it should have the latest releases you can download. My modpack for it will come later as I said before, or you can try add mods to it yourself when forge etc come out for 1.8.3

 :) thank you again, Koolio.

--- Quote from: Koolio on March 17, 2015, 08:20:19 am ---nope that is just the shadermod, it comes with no shaders to use

--- End quote ---
ah - sorry. I don´t know anything about shaders before i heard from you. My eyes had been fixed to the launcher. So you have created you own shaders???

If i am using your 1.8-LiteLoader-version, i can update the shadermod simply by copying the ShadersMod-v2.4.11mc1.8.jar into the E:\MC\KZ1.4\Orig\1.8-LiteLoader\mods\1.8-folder?

Because in the libaries-folder there is noshadersmodcore-folder in the KZMinecraft(only in the %appdata%-Minecraft. And the only difference is a sha-file with a alphanumerical number in it.

By the way - if anything else would be edited in the libaries-folder in %appdata%-folder by the drag&drop-process, there won´t be indepented versions possible. Because the liberies-folder is the same for all versions of the KZMinecraft.

--- Quote from: Koolio on March 17, 2015, 08:20:19 am ---when you download it is also an installer .jar that you can dragdrop onto the launcher.

--- End quote ---
o.k. nice :), but i don´t know what i have to to after the drag&drop-process. So the other way is more easy.

--- Quote from: Koolio on March 17, 2015, 08:20:19 am ---yes you need to start minecraft with the shadermod installed for that mcversion, then it will create that shaderpack dir for you.

--- End quote ---
o.k. A shadermod-dir i can create by myself. So can i instead of using the drag&drop-process create the shadermod-folder by myself? And.. if i am using your 1.8LiteLoader-folder, there is a shaderpack-folder right from the beginning. So - nothing to do except changing the shader.jar to the newest version?

--- Quote from: Koolio on March 17, 2015, 08:20:19 am ---what? f.e shader?? you can install liteloader for 1.8 yourself here... http://jenkins.liteloader.com/job/LiteLoaderInstaller/

grab the .jar version then just dragdrop it onto the launcher to run it

--- End quote ---
f.e. = for expample. did you mean that? ohh :´( - this drag&drop-process again. I don´t know how to do it in the correct way for the shadermod. And i don´t know how to do it for the lite-loader. Same question over here.. is there another possibilty to install the lite-loader?

--- Quote from: Koolio on March 17, 2015, 08:20:19 am ---Probably a few weeks before 1.8.3 has any of the core mods, when it does I'll make another modpack maybe 2 versions one with TMI and another without, I'd like to make the launcher a bit better at giving users a way to enable/disable mods via the launcher, without needing to mess with the files or editing .json themselves, but its a bit messy to do really.

--- End quote ---
That would be nice. But i think a lot of people are using your launcher to make and have their own versions of mc. So a FAQ, how to do it would be nice, too. Some things you postet here in this thread. But a faq in the startpost would be nicer.

And.. i am a fan of the old launcher. It´s more easy to use. So i am not a fan of maken more functions. A lot of my friends aren´t so fit with computer-things as i. And they have more problems since the launcher has more possibilities. So a lite-version of the launcher would be great. If you wan´t to download the newest LiteLoader-modded-version you can use the fullversion of the launcher to dwonload it. And then just copy the files to your light-launcher. Even the programmer, if he someday won´t have such a lot time for updating(because he is playing 7d2d) his launcher will profit. He maybe has time to update the small light version. The main feature is that the launcher is portable! And that´s a very great feature.. this feature is in a light-version, too. Even if you don´t be able to use more modded versions with one KZMinecraft.. you can just copy the whole folder and so you will have.. :) That´s what i do often for testing.

...and now.. make a PC-free day and relax from stupid-user-questions, Koolio and enjoy the spring sun :-)


--- Quote ---So you have created you own shaders???
--- End quote ---

nope they are just modified ones from http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2290850-hoo00s-shaders-pack-b i think (his old thread got deleted it seems )

--- Quote ---sha-file with a alphanumerical number in it.
--- End quote ---

When the official launcher downloads the required files like libraries, assets, minecraft version jar etc... it gets the corresponding .sha file, the number inside of it is like a chucksum value. It then gets the other file, once it has downloaded it does a check on the file, and the number it gets is compared with the number in the .sha file.. if the numbers do not match, then the download has been corrupted or didn't finish properly or the file on the server has been modified from the one already on the users pc. For whatever reason, and the launcher will know it has to redownload the file from the server. It is actually something I need to have my own launcher do because it can avoid errors with downloading files.. I'll try get around to it for the next launcher up whenever that is.

--- Quote ---into the E:\MC\KZ1.4\Orig\1.8-LiteLoader\mods\1.8-folder?
--- End quote ---

I don't think so, I mean it might work i dunno, but it def won't work if its inside a sub folder within the \mods\ folder..  ie

E:\MC\KZ1.4\Orig\1.8-LiteLoader\mods\1.8\shadermod.jar   (the launcher would NOT see and attempt to load this file, I just move mods to a subfolder when I don't want them loading up during startup, its just quicker, probably why that 1.8 folder got left in the modpack)

E:\MC\KZ1.4\Orig\1.8-LiteLoader\mods\shadermod.jar (the launcher would see and attempt to load this file)

--- Quote ---Same question over here.. is there another possibilty to install the lite-loader?
--- End quote ---

Generally nope, Forge/Liteloader, optifine, these should really all be installed as tweakClass mods with there entry in the <mcversion>.json file, at the minimum you need to have at least Forge or Liteloader installed as a tweakClass mod, then you can put the other mods in the /mods/ dir and Forge or Liteloader will load them up.. kinda of confusing as I'm not even sure on that either.

--- Quote ---By the way - if anything else would be edited in the libaries-folder in %appdata%-folder by the drag&drop-process, there won´t be indepented versions possible. Because the liberies-folder is the same for all versions of the KZMinecraft.
--- End quote ---

not sure what you are saying here.. the /library/ folder and all the files/subfolders inside are required

--- Quote ---That would be nice. But i think a lot of people are using your launcher to make and have their own versions of mc. So a FAQ, how to do it would be nice, too. Some things you postet here in this thread. But a faq in the startpost would be nicer.
--- End quote ---

well what sort of info would you want in the FAQ?

I mean so long as users install the portable launcher to the .minecraft folder or use the setup exe, then they basically can install all mods for minecraft as they would with the official version. There isn't really anything specific for using my launcher, the guides are all over the internet on how do things installing forge, optifine, liteloader or getting them to all work etc... like when you goto the liteloader page, it will have a guide on how to install it. Generally it just means use there installer it provides, the technical stuff of opening and editing the <mcversion>.json files and playing around with trying to get forge,liteloader,optifine, and other mods etc all working together on a specific version of minecraft is really trail and error and seeing if the developers of those mods have made things compatible.

Have to remember I just make the launcher for portable convenience and not needing to type in my password and account info just to start minecraft versions up because the official launcher is annoyance with its security checks. It was never really intended to be an easy to use minecraft mod installer, or a guide on how to do all that stuff that is just stuff I try to help you with in the thread. So probably won't be doing an FAQ on those things really, those interested can read the replies I make in this thread or ask there own questions about it.

If you haven't got it all working, what modpack are you wanting, list the mods you want and I'll see about doing another 1.8 modpack


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