> General Discussions
Portable Minecraft v1.40
When you finally think all problems are fixed, you update, and 10 more problems appear. No skin?
Got this error [spoiler]---------------------------
Could not find fileSystem.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\ZeldaFan\AppData\Roaming\MINECR~1\libraries\com\mojang\realms\1.3.3\realms-1.3.3.jar'.
File name: 'C:\Users\ZeldaFan\AppData\Roaming\MINECR~1\libraries\com\mojang\realms\1.3.3\realms-1.3.3.jar'
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileInfo.get_Length()
at Minecraft_Launcher.Main.button_Launch_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
[/spoiler] saying that a library was missing, though i never deleted it, however it told me i could redownload the package, It worked fine, though im not sure why it was deleted or missing, a bug of some sort? Its fixable since it asked if i wanted to re download it.
Yeh I noticed the same thing, when I installed one of the newer alpha crapshots.. it must have installed newer realms, and it deleted the older version... but its not the kzlauncher that deleted any library file... at least it offers to download it again though :D
Hi everyone. I want to download the launcher but I can't find any download links on the first post. Have you taken it offline?
The links are there, they are teh blue links, get 1.38 its newest...
Install Setup:
KzSetup_1.38.exeKraftzone.net (Retired site)http://kraftzone.net/downloads/KzSetup_1.38.exe
The above will offer to install to default location of %appdata%\.minecraft and create shortcut icons in startmenu
---------or ----------
The below is do it yourself install (extract all .zip files into a new folder you created):
Portable Zip :
MinecraftLauncher_v1.38.zipKraftzone.net (Retired site)http://kraftzone.net/downloads/MinecraftLauncher_v1.38.zip
Run "Minecraft Launcher.exe" (this file can be renamed, it will still work)
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