It has come up before, problem is while it sounds like an ideal thing its kinda not, if you remember how kz used to have a seperate login channel for unLogged and then when they logged in they would get moved to the actual member rank.
Well the towny chat channels worked with that, and the problem with it is that if you force someone to have there default chat channel become some minority channel that only a few others can see if they are even online! Then you get a problem where people just think no one can hear them and then they leave because they coudln't get any help when they might have even tried speaking english.
Might sound ideal to you lol , but its not and I'm not going to do that because kz is smaller enough as it is, so just bare with the lingo and maybe learn some slang. Also just has other problems around its setup and management that is not worth the risk.
"I am wondering what it takes from me to keep up with the chat..."
Nothing would change for you, staff would have to see all chat channels anyway to be able to actually help and moderate when needed.
Of course its not a problem to make a channel where players can use it like /don or /tc where only those with the perm node can see and reply.. not a problem to give players that usage...
The problem is getting them to actually use it ie /foreign <message> chatting format.... or /er .. and then chat messages are sent to that.. I think the global channel is /gn explaining all that to players who don't speak english.