So I noticed I hadn't made one of these news posts in 2months..
Anyway isn't much going on right now, servers a bit dead because the hosting turned out to be garbage even I don't want to play/idle on the server.
The hosting hardware is actually very good, however sharing it with one other guy who seems to be torrenting the internets and all of its porn I think.. So the disk io and net speed are maxed 24/7 on 1gps port, which completely defeats the point of me having the majority ram and cpu share, the trial and first couple of days were good for the minecraft server so I kept it, derp mistake.
Well that's Germany hosting over again, I have ordered a dedicated server in France now, (back to where KZ started, should definitely be better pings from USA) also this time no sharing and professional (lol I kid they don't seem professional, but at least they got all the full on legal corp crap going on), however I'm having to wait still. And sadly they still not even taken payment for it, so could be some more days before I can move all the kz server files over to it.
Well that's about it, the cityworld build competition that was planned will be the first thing to start when I get server setup.
Until then think of Kraftzone on summer break go outside kick a ball or whatever sports shit that's cool these days, skateboarding?