Nice way to express your feelings. Lol I love the way you made up things.

So what happened was some players were killed by HammyMexican and there was a little problem between if he was right to kill them or not. Well they started to get in a fight in the chat like always i said that they annoy other players when they spam the chat with fighting. So to set it straight i gave hammy a warning and personally gave all the pplayers the things they lost after beingg killed by hammy. Well soon enough mc couldnt take it anymore, from me telling him to stop raging in chat. He started saying pointless things like ur not a mod, u nt tell us what to do, i didnt order around anybody and they all understood why i told them to stop fighting. now he assoiciates me giving there stuff back to me wanting to be mod. And i've told you b4 Koolio that the server needs more mods and i could be one. I've also told you b4 i modified my post that as support for dillon i soon started to hate adminship. So yea in his mc's eyes im trying as hard as i can to impress you. Okay ill say it WTF. Mc u r very funny.