"Holocaust is one of those things you can't make up. "
This is funniest fucking line I've read in while.. historical irony, because so much of it has ACTUALLY BEEN MADE UP.
The bigger the lie, the easier it is to convince millions of, its a sort of human condition that people believe what they are told, especially if they have no direct way of knowing for themselves. The internet is like a blip in history where so much information has come out that many of started to piece together a bigger picture of recent history, still so much of the internet is also full of the same fking liars selling themselves out for money and spreading bullshit.
"Remember Absolute power is absolute curruption, curruption leads to down fall, this is true and you can see it in history, modern history even, and if you let it go to your head and continue, it will be the server's downfall."
These are 'powerful' manipulations you speak of, to me... and absolutely ZERO truth in what you say, afteral real corruption is not brought down, it never has, it only changes hands, to believe otherwise is to turn a blind eye to what is corruption. And its people like you, to fcking dumb to realize that it is the individual that gives power away to corruption and its liars. To feed me that line, just shows you don't fking know what power is nor do you understand the quote, and thinking the downfall of my server is deserved because I am open and tolerant to such things just shows what a sad nazi prick you are.
"i'm german, and my grandpa was forced into being a nazi and he said it was horrible"
I don't have pitty for those who just follow orders they are fking brainless idiots. People are not forced to do things, they maybe coerced and deceived but its by there own choice that they choose that paycheck. Fking policy idiots like that exist today all around, still working for the kind of corruption that is more evil than you can imagine. They just haven't had a Nuremberg trial of corruption to go through. And Justice is not in the courts it never has been so much corruption is in courts.
Now I could cower to you threats, unban Bluedudex2 or I could just be the individual I am, and tell you both of you clueless fking pricks to go fuck off. And while you are both away maybe do some fking research and get a dictionary!
P.s. it is still open to read for the public, just like that other bit of retardation that banneddickex2 posted
It does not mean you have my permission to make anymore stupid posts on my domain.