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Griefed and killed

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taramon came to my house griefed the trading box i made for this server then killed me when i screen shoted

i lost full diamond and diamond sword sharpness V fire aspect I

heres a screenshot (when he killed me)


More proof... http://prntscr.com/aymht

Now that ytsen couldn't give to fucks tara is showing it off to other people http://prntscr.com/aymps

Where did it occur?
And i couldnt understand ur reply about ytsen.

I know this is something of the past, but just to clear this up.

You got killed because you were taking a screenshot, which froze your computer. You hold the admins responsible for this. You're kind of saying it is our fault you got killed. True, he griefed. Taramon said you did exactly the same. You want me to ban him because he destroyed something that you did not protect. Ban him because he killed you. Killing is allowed on the server, only not through hacks or other exploits. Did Taramon use hacks or exploits to kill you? No. He did not. He happened to take your OP sword, which can be seen as the main drive to your anger. You keep raging, saying I dont give a fuck about what happened. Oh you seem to know what is going on. Other people say you kill them without reason, yet you rage every time you get killed (hearsay). I told Taramon not to Grief again, because griefing is punishable.

Anyway, what has been done has been done.

Taramon received a warning, you got a sword back (We got shitloads of complaint back for it Sharpness V Smite V worst sword in the world, obviously)

If you think i did not act the right way, then please write a reply that might convince me of me being in the wrong.


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